Denouncements Channel
You are welcome!
Your information is very important to us. The Porto Surgical Denouncements Channel guarantees absolute secrecy about your identity and confidentiality of the information provided. But it is important to remember that you must also be ethical when recording a misconduct, using this channel with integrity and good faith.
In this channel, employees, partners and third parties that relate to Porto Surgical can safely communicate attitudes that are not in accordance with the company’s Code of Conduct, internal policies and rules, or laws and regulations in force.
Examples of these conducts are suspected involvement with acts of corruption, moral and sexual harassment, conflict of interest, breach of confidentiality of information and fraud, among others.
The manifestations registered herein can be identified or anonymous and are received in an impartial and specialized way, being guaranteed the absolute secrecy of the information and the adequate forwarding, for the treatment of each situation, to the Porto Surgical Ethics Committee.
Besides this internet channel, if you prefer, you can make your report using 0800 878 9030 – a unique number that you can contact 24/7.
For issues that do not concern these topics, there are other channels of communication available.