Transparency and Equal Pay Report for Women and Men - 1st Semester 2024
CNPJ: 10870802000106
Salary differences between women and men: The median salary of women is equivalent to 141.5% of that received by men. The average salary was equivalent to 136.1%

By major occupation group, the difference (%) in women’s wages compared to men appears when it is greater or less than 100:

For each occupation group that does not present a calculation of the difference, for hiring salary or for average salary, one of the six reasons may have occurred: (1) having fewer than three women; (2) for having fewer than three men; (3) for not having women; (4) for not having men; (5) for not having three men or three women in that occupational group; (6) because there are neither men nor women in that occupational group.
Elements that may explain the differences observed:
a) Composition of total employees by sex, ethnicity and race

b) Remuneration criteria and actions to ensure diversity

Fonte: eSocial. Rais 2022 e Portal Emprega Brasil mar.2024